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Smartphones Are Not For Calling

Years of experience

7 years



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Hey, I’m Danylo Torbovskyi
0.0 Joined 18 May, 2024


Looking to spark creativity at your next virtual team building event, inject fun & energy to a team happy hour, or break the ice at a new team onboarding across multiple time zones? Consider booking my Virtual Experience. HR & Team Leads at Meta, Intel, Microsoft, G-search, Dell, and more have rated it 5 stars. Let's connect to get creative with your team!

Danylo’s Experience Listings


Smartphones Are Not For Calling

With this engaging experience, I’d like to invite you & your friends, family, or team to an inspiring creative workout. Escape from your daily responsibilities, KPIs, and deadlines to learn how to unleash your creativity at home, in the office, or even on the go with ANY type of smartphone. We start by exploring fun, creative ways to find amazing photo ideas. Then, we practice taking photos using the advanced features of smartphone cameras, including my signature Tap-Drop-Snap ritual (it'll be a game-changer!). Next, you'll learn helpful criteria for selecting the best images. Finally, I'll share time-saving tricks & tips for adding a little magic when editing photos on the go. By the end of our empowering 60-min session, you'll know how to effortlessly take better pictures and edit them faster using the absolute best FREE mobile app.

Thu, Sep 19 · 2:00 AM show more


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