New message to Joy
Metaphysical Pole Dance Classes

Tue, Feb 11 · 5:30 AM MST

Starting at $40

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This activity includes 1 session

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Explore fun things to do near you!

5 Utah

Metaphysical Pole Dance Classes

Enjoy the freedom to explore your own capacity and potential in this unique Pole Dance Choreography class that brings in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. We will start by warming up all the joints, learning 3-5 pole moves that can be combined into a routine, then we'll turn off the lights and dance it out with what we've learned. To wrap up the class, we'll stretch out the body before finishing up with some breathwork. All my classes include a metaphysical twist, so expect some woo woo stuff to help you play with moving and releasing emotional energy trapped within your body! Bring: An open mind, a water bottle, a pair of tight-fitting shorts/sports bra and baggy layers (sweat pants and socks) to keep up body temperature during warm-up and cool-downs.

Tue, Feb 11 · 5:30 AM MST show more


5 Utah

Papermaking workshop

Use natural fibers to transform raw materials into beautiful sheets of paper. Plunge your hands into vats of swirling fibers and then pull, couch and press to form your own unique pieces. Plan on creating about 12 sheets of paper in a two hour class. Papermaking can be messy! Be prepared to get your shoes wet! Come see what I am talking about in my textile workshop.

Mon, Feb 10 · 10:00 AM MST show more


0 Berlin

Build Consistent Life-Changing Routines

Transform your Life with Sustainable Routines and Habits Ever felt like you're spinning your wheels trying to establish routines that actually stick? 😕 Have you struggled to find habits that truly support your growth, health, and lifestyle? Let me share my transformation—from a small-town girl with limited confidence and fashion sense to a confident entrepreneur in dynamic Berlin. Along the way, I've shed 13 kgs, explored 30 countries, and collaborated with global leaders! 🌍💪 Through years of personal dedication, I have discovered the power of sustainable habits. Other than these physical changes, I've also navigated personal challenges and griefs life threw my way. I have sustained habits like cold showers, intermittent fasting, consistent sleep routines, reading, podcast listening, and exercising. Now, I'm excited to share all I've learned in a structured, fun, and manageable way that brings happiness to your life. Join me for a 3-week adventure starting March 8th.

Sat, Mar 8 · 10:00 AM PST show more



The Crew Patch

Collect your 1st EXPLORINGNOTBORING patch! Every new ENB patch represents an achievement. This patch is for living BOLDLY! For daring to be authentic, you black sheep, you. For seeking the less ordinary, excitement and wonder. For seeing the world, not for what it is, but what it can be. So, slap your new sticker somewhere meaningful. You've earned it. Where will you place your patch? Take a photo and share it with us on Instagram using #exploringnotboring Or don't. That's cool too! Surf the waves rather than social media 🤙

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